Highway Transport, along with American Trucking Associations and the entire trucking industry is planning a week-long celebration of the millions of professional truck drivers who deliver America’s freight safely and securely every day. “Our nation’s...
This is our annual week long awareness time led by OSHA when every Highway Transport location nationwide is encouraged to discover and fix hazards in in the workplace. Internally, we refer to this as “The Highway Hazard Hunt.” Highway Transport...
71 years in trucking, and we’re continuously learning. VP of Safety Rick Lusby has a commitment to lifelong learning. He is attending NTTC Safety & Security Council this week in Florida where topics include: Responding to Cybersecurity Creating an Effective Safety...
Highway Transport Helps Trucking Industry Share Refreshments & Safe Driving Tips with Motorists Highway Transport was honored to be invited to team up with Tennessee Trucking Association to share refreshments and safe driving tips with motorists. TTA’s Safety...
Marshall Franklin served as part of a panel of experts at the 10th Annual BASF Bulk Trucking Symposium The following Highway Transport group attended the symposium in Orlando, Florida. Patricia Wardrep, Strategic Account Manager Marshall Franklin, President & CFO...
#PunxsyPhil predicts whether or not we receive #6weeksofwinter source: Awesome art by Chris Piascik. Click here to discover more of Chris’ art. 5 Driving Tips for Winter Days: Rick Lusby, Vice President of Safety and Quality, advises, “Winter driving conditions...